SH-Soft Solutions - SH Browser
The SH-Soft Browser is a single Window instance for the Internet Explorer. It is very useful if you need to work on a single website but you dont need all the tool and status bars of the full Internet Explorer.
- stay on top function
- fixed wndow size / position
- minimize to tray function
- user defined application title
- no status... bars
The complete configuration can be done in a single ini file.
- Address:
- The start page of the browser
- Caption
- Application caption
- ClientWidth and ClientHeight
- They define the window size
- ClientTop and ClientLeft
- The position of the window
- when there is no valid value the window will start in the screen center
- StartMinimized
- will hide the window to the systray after startup
- AutoReloadTime
- Is the time for an automatic update interval
- The interval for one second is 1000
- To Update a page every Minute you need an interval of 60000
- ApplicationIcon
- User defined icon
- you have to use .ico files
- the icons should have a resolution of 16x16 px
- DisplayTitleInTray
- You can display the Page title as Systray hint.
- It will also appear in the browser title.
- NotOnTop
- If this value is "true" the application window will not stay on top
- SingleInstance
- If this value is "true" there can only be once instance of the browser
- BrowserID
- This identifies an instance of the browser.
- Use different BrowserID's if you use multible instances of the SHBrwoser with different configuration files.
- DynamicSizing
- Enables dynamic sizing of the browser window
- SavePositionOnExit
- Save the position an exit
- SaveSizeOnExit
- Saves the windo size on exit
Download SH Browser
SH-Soft Browser (Version: [0,4 MB]